Sunday, July 27, 2008

Conference Call Sunday July 27

We will be hosting a conference call at the usual time, 9pm Eastern, 6 Pacific, Sunday, July 27. Our discussion will be about the democratic and non-violent education conferences in Troy and Berkeley.

To call in, dial 218-936-6666 and use code 9936250#.

A reminder that this will be our last call for a while tomorrow
(Sunday) night at the usual time. Varda Brahms
and Theodore Timpson will be leading the call, but I invite anyone
who attended the two recent conferences in Troy and Berkeley to
help. We'll be comparing/contrasting all the conferences and trying
to see if they add up.

Also, I should note, that these calls are hardly all business--we
usually spend about the first half hour chatting and reminiscing,
just as a way of keeping in touch after the conference.

All the best to all of you!

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