Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18 Conference Call

Hello once again!

Thanks to Svi Shapiro for engaging us deeply last week in critical hope! For those of you not attending the conference, but interested in it, a preliminary version of the program will be posted on the web in the next several days. We may have one or two more speakers representing movements for global peace education. Our final call before the conference will take place on the morning of Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, at noon Eastern, 9am Pacific--the topic is listed below, as well. Hope many of you can join us! If there is interest, we will continue these calls after the conference, though most likely on a less frequent basis.

The procedure is simply to dial 218-936-6666, follow the prompts, and then enter the code 9936250#. The call will last about 90 minutes, if we can contain the enthusiasm to that!


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