Sunday, March 16, 2008


Dear Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning members:

Below is a list of 5 of our upcoming activities, followed by descriptions of each:

1) Graves, Brand, Suhor reunion, May 4

2) JAEPL editorship opening

3) our SIG at CCCC in New Orleans April 3

4) a related mini-conference at AERA in New York March 23-24

5) our workshop on reflection in New Orleans, April 2 (if you received notice of this earlier, we apologize for the repetition)

One further note: Rooms at Mount Madonna Center for the summer conference will almost definitely sell out (though there will still be plenty of space both for campers onsite and for commuters staying at the foot of the mountain). You can find the brochure and registration form for "Reclaiming the Wisdom Tradition for Education" at


Bruce Novak, Conference Co-Chair

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